


Pull request #780 » 0001-fix-RobotState-and-remove-useless-functions.patch

fixes realted to comment #4 - Jules Waldhart, 2016-04-20 14:54

View differences:

configPt RobotState::getConfigStruct() {
return &state[0][0];
if(state.size() && state[0].size())
return &state[0][0];
return NULL;
vector<vector<double> > RobotState::getState() const {
bool RobotState::operator!=(RobotState &Conf) { return !(this->equal (Conf)); }
statePtr_t RobotState::operator-(RobotState &Conf) { return this->sub (Conf); }
//statePtr_t RobotState::operator-(RobotState &Conf) { return this->sub (Conf); }
statePtr_t RobotState::operator+(RobotState &Conf) { return this->add (Conf); }
//statePtr_t RobotState::operator+(RobotState &Conf) { return this->add (Conf); }
RobotState &RobotState::operator*(const double coeff) { return this->mult (coeff); }
//RobotState &RobotState::operator*(const double coeff) { return this->mult (coeff); }
double &RobotState::at(const int &i) { return getConfigStruct ()[i]; }
statePtr_t RobotState::add(RobotState &C) {
shared_ptr<RobotState> ptrQ (new RobotState (_Robot));
p3d_addConfig (_Robot->getRobotStruct (), getConfigStruct (),
C.getConfigStruct (), ptrQ->getConfigStruct ());
return ptrQ;
statePtr_t RobotState::sub(RobotState &C) {
statePtr_t ptrQ (new RobotState (_Robot));
p3d_subConfig (_Robot->getRobotStruct (), getConfigStruct (),
C.getConfigStruct (), ptrQ->getConfigStruct ());
return ptrQ;
RobotState &RobotState::mult(double coeff) {
RobotState *q = new RobotState (*this);
//statePtr_t RobotState::add(RobotState &C) {
// shared_ptr<RobotState> ptrQ (new RobotState (_Robot));
// p3d_addConfig (_Robot->getRobotStruct (), getConfigStruct (),
// C.getConfigStruct (), ptrQ->getConfigStruct ());
// return ptrQ;
//statePtr_t RobotState::sub(RobotState &C) {
// statePtr_t ptrQ (new RobotState (_Robot));
// p3d_subConfig (_Robot->getRobotStruct (), getConfigStruct (),
// C.getConfigStruct (), ptrQ->getConfigStruct ());
// return ptrQ;
int njnt = _Robot->getRobotStruct ()->njoints;
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= njnt; i++) {
p3d_jnt *jntPt = _Robot->getRobotStruct ()->joints[i];
for (int j = 0; j < jntPt->dof_equiv_nbr; j++) {
(*q)[k] *= coeff;
return (*q);
// RobotState &RobotState::mult(double coeff) {
// RobotState *q = new RobotState (*this);
// int njnt = _Robot->getRobotStruct ()->njoints;
// int k = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i <= njnt; i++) {
// p3d_jnt *jntPt = _Robot->getRobotStruct ()->joints[i];
// for (int j = 0; j < jntPt->dof_equiv_nbr; j++) {
// (*q)[k] *= coeff;
// k++;
// }
// }
// return (*q);
// }
Eigen::VectorXd RobotState::getEigenVector() {
unsigned int nbDof = 0;
bool operator!=(RobotState &Conf);
statePtr_t operator-(RobotState &Conf);
//needs to be updated to take into account full state
//statePtr_t operator-(RobotState &Conf);
statePtr_t operator+(RobotState &Conf);
//needs to be updated to take into account full state
//statePtr_t operator+(RobotState &Conf);
RobotState &operator*(const double coeff);
//needs to be updated to take into account full state
//RobotState &operator*(const double coeff);
RobotState &operator=(const RobotState &other);
statePtr_t sub(RobotState &C);
//needs to be updated to take into account full state
//statePtr_t sub(RobotState &C);
statePtr_t add(RobotState &C);
//needs to be updated to take into account full state
//statePtr_t add(RobotState &C);
RobotState &mult(double coeff);
//needs to be updated to take into account full state
//RobotState &mult(double coeff);
bool equal(RobotState &Conf, bool print = false);
//cprev was dt seconds before ccurrent. Returned configuration is the projected one at time t seconds after ccurrent.
Robot* rob = cprev->getRobot();
statePtr_t cnext(new RobotState(rob)),cdiff(new RobotState(rob));
cdiff = *cprev - *ccurrent;
//Robot* rob = cprev->getRobot();
//statePtr_t cnext(new RobotState(rob)),cdiff(new RobotState(rob));
//cdiff = *cprev - *ccurrent;
cnext = *ccurrent + (*cdiff * (t/dt));
return cnext;
//cnext = *ccurrent + (*cdiff * (t/dt));
//return cnext;
int TimeToCollision::test(CostFunctionCommon* common){