Pull request #852
Thesis in English + Glossary example
Added by Ellon Paiva Mendes over 8 years ago.
Updated over 8 years ago.
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In this PR I used the package etoolbox to create a variable that can be used to change the thesis to english. Currently it handles:
- section titles: Acknowledgements, Glossary and Abstract/Keywords;
- packages: babel, minitoc, backref links
- bibliography: months, and/et for multiple authors
This PR also adds an example for the Glossary (needed to check if the glossary title translation was working properly). The glossary is shown after the table of contents.
- Description updated (diff)
Mentioned new position of glossary in the description.
- Description updated (diff)
Fix and/et for multiple authors
Hi and thanks for the submission !
2 remarks:
- loading the etoolbox package and the \newtoggle definition should be moved to StyleThese.cls
- it's probably possible to better integrate this kind of things with babel, so that the main babel langage sets the toggle (and may be you could reuse some of the APIs provided by babel to translate month names and other stuff...
I'd really like to see the 1st point handled before merging this. If you don't have time, tell me, I will take care of it.
The second point is a more long term project for someone willing to improve this model. I hope someone will find the time for it in the future. (I may be able to help, but I'm not sure when...)
Hello Matthieu, and thanks for your reply. I made some changes in the pull request:
- I moved the toogle variable to StyleThese.cls, like you suggested. Now the language should be informed in the document class, as a mandatory option (otherwise the compilation will fail). I didn't know how to make it optional and make French the default language, but I didn't spend much time looking for an alternative either. One good side effect is that now packages like babel and minitoc receive the language argument automatically, then there is no need to include them inside \iftoggle anymore.
- Regarding the month names, I'm now using the package datetime to get them in the correct language in the .bst files. The same side effect applied to this package, so no need to set the language explicitly when including it.
I didn't search how to translate the other stuff with babel (namely the and/et case).
One thing that annoys me is that the files are getting to much co-dependent (example: StyleThese.bst now uses datetime, that is included in formatAndDefs.tex; etoolbox is used in These.tex and formatAndDefs.tex, but is loaded by StyleThese.cls...). Not sure how much this dependence is acceptable in latex templates like this one.
Hello again,
If no one disagrees I'm going to merge it in the end of today.
- Status changed from New to Closed
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