


Pull request #1192

Updated by Jules Waldhart almost 6 years ago

pull request from branch wip to master. 
 libmove3d: from branch move4dwip 
 gui: from branch wip 


 ft #1167 / pr #1168 
 bug #1175 
 bug #1181 
 bug #1182 
 bug #1184 
 bug #1186 
 part of bug #1187 

 h1. Changelog: 

 h2. Added 

 * Compute stablility of robots: read Support polygon from json Entities definition, centers of mass from urdf 
 * get agent FoV from Entities/Agent file 
 * database also reads from a path given through API::Parameter 
 * Robots with name ending by CYLINDER are considered virtual 
 * collision class to check Cylinder instead of default collisions when available 

 * PlannerBase and PlannerRegister + Planner Factories, registers all existing motion planners 
 * Target class 
 * set numeric locale to en_US in project initialization (for using '.' and not ',' as decimal separator when parsing) 
 * API::Scene save/load scenario 
 * API::Parameter helper methods for setting/getting 
 * Set active DoFs from Joint and Robot 
 * helper to set Planning Parts 
 * RobotState::setCost 
 * access/set multi localpath config from Robot class (e.g Robot::setMultiLpGroupToPlan) 
 * robot::checkConstraints 
 * Scene::setDMax 
 * Path::resetCheckStatus and more 
 * Path register uses first registered factory as default 
 * Can now register several Path/LocalPath factories in a same cpp file (fix macro) 

 * Drawable 3D arrows, 2D grids 

 * logging uses output handlers to change output method (default is log4cxx) 
 * colored logs 
 * move4d has its own exceptions (unknown_robot) 
 * array_to_str function for logging 
 * self diagnostic (on request) debut 

 * Python bindings: 

     * LocalpathFactory 
     * global_Project 
     * request read/write json body/joint weights from python 
     * CollisionInterface::collisionList 
     * access/set multi localpath config from Robot class (e.g Robot::setMultiLpGroupToPlan) 

 h2. Changed 

 * include path is PREFIX/include/move4/move4d 
 * builds on Ubuntu 16.04 
 * do not require log4cxx when not used 
 * use Qt5 
 * use CMake target system: export target (backward compatible) 

 * N-D Grids improved/fixed + Dijkstra 
 * Graphic::Drawable2dGrid based on N-D grid 
 * LocalPath allocates its internal struct on construcion 
 * LocalPath throws when construction fails (invalid_argument) 
 * PqpCollision class fixed (let user disabled selfcollision) 
 * add some cv-qualifiers to Robot RobotState 
 * removed the HRI_ prefix of robot type names 

 * install python to PREFIX/lib/python3/site-packages (it was in python2.7) 

 h2. Removed 

 * LocalPathKDTP files where actually unused 
