


Documentation for an ACUMOS PDDL Action Planner component.

Félix Ingrand <>

This project contains an ACUMOS component which, acting as a gRPC server, is able to call a number of PDDL action planners (ff, fd, popf and optic for now).

This is more a proof of concept on how to integrate PDDL Planner within a docker made available for ACUMOS Hybrid Pipelines.

If you want to run the server locally, each of these planners needs to be installed separately and have to be available in your PATH. Otherwise, you can use the Dockerize version (see Docker version on this page which contains all of them), still you will need the client.

The supported planners for now are:

  • ff is pretty straighforward to install FF homepage

  • fd fast downward is easy to install too Fast Downward homepage

  • popf, I would not know, I grabbed the binary from the ROSPlan distribution (bad bad…​), but here is the POPF homepage

  • optic is a pain to install, the Cmake files are broken…​ Check OPTIC homepage, you may find the proper binary for you…​

Note If you have installed optic, the binary should be named optic-clp (I do not have a cplex license). As for Fast Downward, the binary (actually a python script) looked for is


First clone this package from:

git clone git://

or from github:

git clone

The prerequisites to install this component are the usual developper one. gcc, make, pkg-config, etc. If you want to use the docker version, you will have to install docker too.

Moreover, make sure you have ProtoBuf and gRPC installed first, or the make will fail. In fact the Makefile checks their presence with pkg-config

Warning Beware of inconsistent ProtoBuf/gRPC versions. I strongly advise you to install gRPC following the instruction on: This will install gRPC and ProtoBuf, minimizing the risk of version inconsistency.


cd acumos-planners

This will create two executables in the same directory:

  • planner_ACUMOS_bridge is a gRPC server listening on port 8061 providing the services described below in the ProtoBuf file (to be able to call the different planners for now).

  • planner_client is just an example of a client requesting a plan from the gRPC server. Of course, in a regular setup, that would be another ACUMOS component or the orchestrator. A python version of the client is available in the python_client sub directory (thanks to Uwe Köckemann). Of course, it requires the installation of the gRPC python version.

Again, if you want to run the planner_ACUMOS_bridge locally, check that you have ff,, popf and optic-clp installed in your path. Just call them one by one should suffice. Otherwise, you can also start the Docker version, which contains them all.


The server

Open a terminal and either launch the gRPC planner bridge:


or, use the Docker version

docker run -d -p 8061:8061 felixfi/pddl-planners
Note To see the "output" of your docker, use docker logs or remove the -d

The client

In another terminal, you can launch the client with the following syntax:

./planner_client <popf|optic|ff|fd> domain_file problem_file "argument"

Note the "argument" is optional and is passed to the planner (so it depends of the planner used) and should be given in ONE string. (e.g. if you want to pass the arguments -a -c efg -X to the planner, use: "-a -c efg -X")
Note that the client does not care if the server is running locally, as a standalone program, or running inside the container you may have launched.

Here are some examples from the examples subdirectory which should work.

./planner_client popf examples/domain_turtlebot.pddl examples/problem_turtlebot.pddl
./planner_client ff examples/dom3.pddl  examples/pb3a.pddl
./planner_client fd examples/philosophers/domain.pddl examples/philosophers/p01-phil2.pddl "--alias lama-first"
./planner_client optic  examples/dom3d.pddl  examples/pb3a.pddl "-N"

The "-N" argument is most welcome when calling optic as it may use a lof of CPU before deciding it cannot improve the solution anymore.

The ProtoBuf definition

Here is the content of the ProtoBuf file PDDL-planner.proto, nothing too fancy, mostly strings for now.

syntax = "proto3";

package AIPlanner;

// The Planner service definition.
service Planner {		//we can have more than one planner available
  rpc planner_ff (PlanRequest)e returns (PlanReply);
  rpc planner_optic (PlanRequest) returns (PlanReply);
  rpc planner_fd (PlanRequest) returns (PlanReply);
  rpc planner_popf (PlanRequest) returns (PlanReply);

// The request message containing three strings, the domain, the problem and the parameters
message PlanRequest {
  string domain = 1; 		// planing domain in PDDL
  string problem = 2;		// planning problem in PDDL
  string parameters = 3;	// parameter added to the commande line

// The response message containing the plan (if suceess is true)
message PlanReply {
  bool success = 1;
  string plan = 2;

As you can see, pretty straightforward.

Docker version

Now we make a Docker out of this setup. Here is the Dockerfile I use. We start from the fast-downward container aibasel/downward:latest. Then we have to install coinor-libcbc-dev for optic-clp to run properly. We copy the various planners from the local bin directory, as well as the planner_ACUMOS_bridge. We expose port 8061 to allow ACUMOS to talk to our component.

# We start from the fd docker image

FROM aibasel/downward:latest

LABEL maintainer=""

# adding the other planner and the grpc server.

RUN set -eux; \
	apt-get update; \
	apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends coinor-libcbc-dev

COPY bin/popf /usr/local/bin
COPY bin/ff /usr/local/bin
COPY bin/optic-clp /usr/local/bin
COPY bin/planner_ACUMOS_bridge /usr/local/bin

# add the path to so our bridge will find the planner.
ENV PATH=/workspace/downward/:$PATH

#expose the grpc ACUMOS port

ENTRYPOINT ["planner_ACUMOS_bridge"]

The container is now available on dockerhub, so you will just have to to run it with:

docker run -d -p 8061:8061 felixfi/pddl-planners

then you can call again the client, with something like:

./planner_client ff examples/dom3.pddl examples/pb3a.pddl

and you should get the result computed by the dockerized planner_ACUMOS_bridge and ff in this particular case. But all the planner_client above should work without any problem.


The container and the ProtoBuff have been upload to ACUMOS and are in a "model" named pddl-planners-ffi. If you want to use it in an hybrid pipeline, let me know.


The current interface is pretty rough…​ and I cannot guarantee that the various planners will work exactly as they would if they were called standalone. Foe example, both domain and problem are passed as a string (from the client to the server through ProtoBuf) and are then written in files by the server side, before calling the planner. Some planner can have quite complex argument/file call which are probably not coverred by this simple scheme.


  • Find some partners who want an action planner in their hybrid pipeline.

  • want more planners? metric-ff, conforment-ff, etc?

  • Improve the returned status (success, timeout, error,?) ACUMOS does not support enum for now…​

  • more parsing of the returned format (for now, we just get the stdout).

Comments, bugs and suggestions are welcome!
