Installing simulation environment » History » Revision 19
Revision 18 (Nicolas Holvoet, 2018-03-14 22:38) → Revision 19/49 (Christophe Reymann, 2018-05-18 08:49)
h1. Installing simulation environment h2. Dependencies * Python3 with setuptools, docopt, numpy, pyaml, rospkg, catkin_pkg * Eigen3 * GDAL (version > 2) * CMake * libglew, libglew-dev * ROS kinetic (on ubuntu: ros-kinetic-desktop ros-kinetic-tf2-eigen) * Blender * A c++14 compatible compiler h2. On own computer Make sure ROS environment is sourced, then: <pre> git clone ssh:// && cd precidrones-main/dev && rsync -r /net/skyscanner/volume1/data/precidrone/IGN . && make world </pre> And make sure to import the morse simulations before using them, for example (in the precidrones-main/dev folder): <pre> morse import morse/preci1 </pre> h3. On LXD vm Install and configure lxd: <pre> sudo snap install --edge lxd sudo lxd init </pre> Lxd will ask for configuration, I used: * clustering: no * new storage pool: yes * name: default * type: zfs * create new zfs pool: yes * use existing block device: no * size in GB of the new loop device: 40 * connect to a MAAS server: no * create local network bridge: yes * bridge name: lxdbr0 * ipv4 address: auto * ipv6 address: auto * LXD availqble over the network: yes * address to bind lxd to: all * port: 8443 * trust password: <password> * auto update stale cached images: yes * print YAML lxd preseed: yes TODO