


How to produce and compile the Fiacre / Hippo version of the experiment.

You first need to install Hippo and TINA. Then make sure that your $HIPPO_DIST and $TINA_DIST environment variables respectively point to the installed distribution of Fiacre/Hippo and tina.

Note Although Hippo is a direct extension of Fiacre, it is not yet part of the official Fiacre distribution. For now you must grab it directly from Hippo distribution. If this distribution does not satisfy your system requirements, send me an email.

Put these variables (tune the values for your installation) in your .bashrc file.

export HIPPO_DIST=${HOME}/work/hippo-2.6.5
export TINA_DIST=${HOME}/work/tina-3.6.0

All the remaining components are git cloned, compiled and installed in ~/work

cd ~/work

Installing Utilities

The Fiacre GenoM template uses the following utility package.

  • felix-g3utils which defines some macros and log functions used in writting codels.

git clone  git://
cd felix-g3utils
autoreconf -vif
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix=${HOME}/work
make install

Installing the GenoM3 Fiacre template

Then you need to install the GenoM3 Fiacre template:

cd ~/work
git clone git://
cd genom3-fiacre-template
autoreconf -vif
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix=${HOME}/work
make install

After this, the command genom3 -l (which list the templates available to your GenoM3 environment) should return this list of templates:

% genom3 -l

Go in the ~/work/drone/vv directory and type the commands:

cd ~/work/drone/vv
mkdir build-hippo
cd build-hippo
genom3 fiacre/pocolibs --slow 10000 --wcet ../all-simu.wcet --patch ../fiacre-monitor.patch --port_mapping ../all-simu.pmap --exp_name quad ../all-simu.gen

The previous genom3 command can be interpreted like:

  • fiacre/pocolibs is the name of template you are using.

  • ../all-simu.gen is the file with the modules definition (in this case, it includes the 4 modules modeled).

  • --slow 10000 is the frequency at which Hippo will run (in this case every 100 microsecond).

  • --wcet ../all-simu.wcet the file containing the worst case execution time value for the codels.

  • --port_mapping ../all-simu.pmap is the file where we map in port name in out port name (e.g. nhfc_reference maneuver_desired)

  • --exp_name quad is the name of the experiment.

cd fiacre-pocolibs
autoreconf -vif
./configure --prefix=${HOME}/work
make install

The content of the complete synthesized Fiacre model (with the monitor patch) can be found in: fiacre/drone_FiacreGenoM3.fcr

The fiacre-monitor.patch includes mostly the following monitor process, plus the cnnection with the other parts of the model

process pom_state_quad_lander(
       &state_updated: bool,
       &rotorcraft_main_activities:  Activities_rotorcraft_main_Array,
       servo_index: act_inst_rotorcraft_main_index_type) is

states monitor_start, monitor_wait, monitor_error

var ignorep:nat

from monitor_start
    ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(6); //   {0, "monitor_start entered"} /* 6 */
    on (state_updated);
    ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(7); //   {0, "monitor_start state_updated"},	/* 7 */
    state_updated := false;
    to monitor_wait

from monitor_wait
    ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(8); //   {0, "monitor_wait entered"} /* 8 */
       wait [2000,2000]; // 200 ms at 10 KHz = 2000
       ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(0); //   {0, "monitor_wait 200 ms elapsed"},	/* 0 */
       to monitor_error
       on (state_updated);
       ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(1); //    {0, "monitor_wait state_updated."},	/* 1 */
       state_updated := false;
       to monitor_wait

from monitor_error
   ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(4); //    {0, "monitor_error entered"},/* 4 */
   if (rotorcraft_main_activities[servo_index].status = ACT_RUN_FCR) then
       ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(2); //   {0, "monitor_error stopping Track"},	/* 2 */
       rotorcraft_main_activities[servo_index].stop := true
       ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(9) //   {0, "monitor_error nothing to stop"},	/* 9 */
   ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(5); //  {0, "monitor_error to monitor_start"},/* 5 */
   to monitor_start

Basically, it monitors the shared variable state_updated (which is automatically updated when pom writes its state port. If it is not updated for more than 200ms (2000 ticks when Hippo runs at 10 KHz), it goes to monitor_erreor, and force the rotorcraft servo activity in the main task to transit to its stop state. This has a result cuts the engine. This monitor is rather crude…​ a more advanced one version monitor the same condition but send a take_off 0 0 request to maneuver. Which is more gentle (but may result in a rough landing nevertheless).

To launch and run this experiment in simulation, check the Hippo Engine in simulation page, or on the real robot check the Hippo Engine on the real drone page.