


How to run the Drone GenoM experiment on a real UAV

This has been tested on one of the drone at LAAS (lerema). You need to install everything on the drone cpu, and then you can run the experiment exactly like if it was in simulation. The scripts are slightly different as to load different parameters than in simulation. So you probably want to check and review carefully and start.tcl in the scripts directory.

You will need to start the optitrack system and get your drone in the arena so it can be properly localized. Check that its body name is the proper one in start.tcl

cd ~/work/drone/scripts

Your original window should be now split in 6 panes.


This main window is a tmux window, displaying the trace of 5 GenoM modules (nhfc, rotorcraft, pom, optitrack, maneuver) plus an eltclsh pane (lower part) which is a tcl shell used to interact with the modules (this shell has completion and history for your convenience).

Select the eltclsh pane, and type:

eltclsh > source start.tcl
eltclsh > init
eltclsh > setup
eltclsh > ::maneuver::take_off 0.5 0
eltclsh > ::maneuver::goto {x 1 y 1 z 1 yaw 2 duration 0}
eltclsh >

The start.tcl is a tcl script file containing all the commands needed to initialize the drone.

If you now want to produce and compile the Fiacre/Hippo version of the experiment: Fiacre/Hippo modules.