Cooperation Manipulation Control » History » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Kévin Desormeaux, 2021-06-15 12:06) → Revision 4/11 (Kévin Desormeaux, 2021-06-15 12:12)
h1. Cooperation Manipulation Control h2. Franka_ros !fci-architecture.png! To operate the pandas it is necessary to have real-time kernels on the machines running the control stacks. It is the case with the *kukarm* and *truyere* workstation. You should have ROS (melodic version ideally) installed. You will need to also to install *franka_ros* and *libfranka* . <pre> sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-franka-ros sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-libfranka </pre> You are strongly advised to read the franka documentation to begin with. See and !ros-architecture.png! Basically franka_ros is a collection of package integrating libfranka into ros_control. There is packages for hardware abstraction, to control the grippers, for robots description etc. *Important* : libfranka must have the same versions running on the workstations (kukarm, truyere etc) and on the panda controllers (FCI). Otherwise there will be compatibility issues. h2. CM2C Once franka_ros is installed you can create a catkin workspace in your home directory to install CM2C. See CM2C is available here on the mp2_ros repository: Then you only have to compile your catkin workspace and CM2C can be launched. You might need to install different ROS packages missing on the system. *Important* : your catkin workspace must be built in release mode! By default it might be in debug mode, and CM2C might not be able to run at the desired frequency for real time usage. <pre> catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release </pre> Information on how to use CM2C can be found a bit further in the wiki: