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Frédéric Blanc, 2017-04-25 13:29

Wiki DLP4100


The DLP® Discovery™ 4100 (D4100) is the latest in a series of spatial light modulation development kits from Texas
Instruments. Users of the D4100 Starter Kit have the ability to manipulate visible, ultraviolet and near-infrared light
with extremely high performance and high resolution.
The D4100 offers developers a flexible platform to design products to fit most any application using the proven
reliability of DLP technology.

Fig 1: System Overview

New version 2017 Actual Name
DLPC410 DDC4100 (FPGA X5VLX30) Digital Controller for Discovery 4100 chipset
DLPR410 XCF16 PROM for Discovery 4100 chipset
DLPA200 DAD2000 DMD Micromirror Driver

Configuration Jumpers

Fig 2: D4100 Controller Configuration Jumpers and LED

LED1 - USB status
LED2 - APPSFPGA status
LED Status

LED3 - DDC4000 status

LED Status

LED9..12 - LED status
LED9 - DDC_LED0 Status LED for the DDC4000
The LED0 signal is typically connected
to an LED to show that the DLPC410
is operating normally.
The signal is 1 Hz with 50% duty cycle,
otherwise known as the heartbeat
LED10 - DDC_LED1 Status LED for the DDC4000
The LED1 signal is typically connected to an LED
indicator to show the status of system initialization
and the status of the clock circuits. The LED1 signal
is asserted only when system initialization is
complete and clock circuits are initialized. Logically,
these signals are ANDed together to show an indication
of the health of the system. If the Phase Locked
Loop (PLL) connected to the data clock and the DMD
clock are functioning correctly after system
initialization, the LED will be illuminated
LED11 - VLED0 This logic is to be defined by the APPSFPGA application. Drive low to turn on the led. Drive high to
turn off the led(FPGA PIN AK19).
LED12 - VLED1 This logic is to be defined by the APPSFPGA application. Drive low to turn on the led. Drive high to
turn off the led(FPGA PIN AJ19).

J2 – EXP Voltage Select

J4 – Used to select the revision of firmware loaded from the PROM to the APPSFPGA.

Jumper Position Revision Version
open 0
close 1

J5 – Shared USB signal disabled

Jumper Position USB Signals
0-1 Disconnected from FPGA
1-2 Connected to FPGA
2-3 Automatically connect USB signals
to FPGA when USB is connected to
host PC

J7 – USB EEPROM Programming Header

Used to temporally disconnect the USB EEPROM fromthe device so the device can load its internal
boot loader rather than any code in the EEPROM. Install J8 for Cypress internal boot loader.

J10 – DAD2000 B Output Enable

Used to enable the outputs for DAD2000 B. This needs to be enabled only if using the 1080p DMD,
otherwise this can be disabled.

Jumper Position DAD2000 B Outputs
open Disabled
close Enabled

J11 – Used to select the revision of firmware loaded from the PROM to the DDC4100 (FPGA X5VLX30).

Jumper Position Revision Version
open 0
close 1

SW1 - Dipswitches

Functionality defined by APPSFPGA programming. In default test pattern code:
_Switch Number _Effect _FPGA PIN
1 ON = float – float all mirrors G20
2 ON = counter halt – stop counter, this will freeze the image on the DMD G21
3 ON = complement data – causes DDC 4000 to complement all data it receives F20
4 ON = north/south flip – causes the DDC 4000
to reverse order of row loading, effectively
flipping the image
5 Dictates the type of reset being used LSB ON = 1 H15
6 Dictates the type of reset being used MSB ON = 1 H14
00 : single block phased reset
01 : dual block phased reset
10 : global reset
11 : quad block phased reset
7 ON = Row Address Mode H12
8 ON = WDT Enable, disables other resets J14

SW2 - Push Button Momentary Switch

Functionality defined by APPSFPGA. This switch is used for APPS_LOGIC_RESET in the default code.
SW3 - Push Button Momentary Switch

Functionality defined by APPSFPGA. This switch is used for APPS_LOGIC_MIRROR_FLOAT in the default code.


The USB EEPROM does not have any code only VID/PID data. Here is a sequence of USB initialization:

When a board is plugged in by USB the Windows D4100 USB driver sees the unprogrammed TI VID/PID.  (The Windows D4100 USB driver is installed with the Explorer software.)
Then it loads a program directly into the Cypress USB (not the EEPROM) and runs it. (This loads the firmware through USB)
This sets the Cypress VID/PID to show that the part is programmed and allows communication with the Board.

This is only the first part. To communicate with the DMD a different APPS_FPGA program (D4100_GUI_FPGA.bin) must be loaded that can communicate with the Cypress USB.

When the D4100 Explorer is started it checks to see if D4100_GUI_FPGA.bin is loaded in the FPGA and programs the FPGA if it not.

This program can also be loaded by invoking the DLL function directly from another program (see the API Programmer’s Guide)

Once loaded then the other API DLL functions can be used to load and reset image data.

If you have one of the ViALUX ALP versions you will need to contact them concerning this since their software uses proprietary communication protocols with the D4100.

Updated by Frédéric Blanc almost 8 years ago · 60 revisions