0116 » History » Revision 7
Revision 6 (Ellon Paiva Mendes, 2018-01-16 15:46) → Revision 7/8 (Quentin Labourey, 2018-01-16 15:54)
h1. 01/16 *Participants:* * From MAG: Vincent Bissonnette, Clément Bazerque, Raphaël (?) * From LAAS: Andrea, Ellon, Quentin *Goal of the meeting:* As we are going to test our algorithm chains in MORSE, we need to coordinate our effort on the simulator and collaborate where we can. As Clément already started working full-time on MORSE, we went there to see what was already available and how we can catch-up and improve. h2. MORSE at MAG MAG's goal at the moment is to produce a full working chain integrated into MORSE (and if possible, with our help, directly on our rovers), *by the end of February*. The first version of the processing chains they want to integrate is the following: !/home/quentin/Desktop/Chain1.png! <pre> Stereovision => Disparity computation => DEM building => Navigation Map => Path planning => Motion control </pre> !Chain1.png! All the algorithms come from CNES and need integration inside MORSE. The following sensor/actuator flows are already implemented: * Lidar * Stereobench * Pan-tilt unit * Robot control (did not ask which one, but from Simon's report it is a RMP440) At the moment, the interface between MORSE and the algorithms is made via YARP, but they are working on an interface with ROS. The orchestration of scenarios is made through a simple state-machine written in Python. The scenario implemented so far is "Acquire a scan and move forward for a given distance". No localization is performed in MORSE.The pose of the robot is directly given through MORSE and does not come from a MAG algorithm. The machine has then two states: * Move pan-tilt * Go to point *Concerning datatypes:* Right now, they are not using ASN.1 compliant datatypes. Vincent told us that the ESROCOS ASN.1 compiler exists but the did not interface anything with the C struct produced. He proposes that we use ROS datatypes for now and see for interfacing properly afterwards. We agreed on this. h2. How LAAS can contribute * *First thing* thing is to provide MAG with accurate simulations of our rovers, in order to test their algorithms and ease integration directly on the rover. They require: ** Sensor streams: *** Velodyne *** Stereovision *** Sick LDMRS ** Transform tree of the rovers ** Accurate control flow * *Second element* element would be to provide a localization module to integrate in the chain, in order to have the full chains coming from InFuse algorithms => We propose to use the Visual Odometry from Andrea. This would give the following processing chain. Andrea !Chain2.png! * *Third element* element is to provide a basic version for the DPM. We would then have the following chain of processing: !Chain3.png! * *Finally* We propose to replace the first part of the processing chain with LIDAR and our own <pre> Stereovision => Disparity => DEM module. ||=> Visual Odometry ======= ^ </pre> h2. Actions to be taken *