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Quentin Labourey, 2018-01-24 11:47

01/23 - Discussion on PoM

Quentin, Simon

Goal of the meeting: Discuss the general state of the processing we want to showcase in sprint 1 and more precisely the problems we might encounter on PoM.

General chain discussion

Ellon and I have been working on providing the right types of data to the DEM module. At the moment the chain from MORSE to the DEM module looks like this:

  • Fake velodyne: take as input the pointclouds produced by velodyne, aggregates them into one point cloud, and associate the pose of the robot to it.
  • Point cloud pose stamped is a data structure defined in IDL for genom3 module from which we can build the DEM

ATM: No POM. What we would like is the following :

This includes:
  • Changing fake velodyne : makes it quite a bit harder as this means Ellon needs to "rewrite TF" and keep changes in pose in memory in order to aggregate properly when the robot moves
  • *Accepting some

Updated by Quentin Labourey about 7 years ago · 9 revisions