



02/15 Discussion on repositories

Ellon, Quentin

Goal of the meeting: Decide on a structure for the internal LAAS repository containing all code related to InFuse. The interest of the discussion is twofold: define the architecture, but also how we are going to use docker for deployment/integration

Solution proposed

We discussed mainly three solutions for the repository:

  • Monolithic structure, containing the entirety of the project: this solution has the advantage of the "all-in-one", but we have to work on a solution to be able to compile only parts of the project
  • Several "big" repos: 1 for all the DFPCS, 1 for the Simu, 1 for the displays, 1 for the tools, 1 for the 3rd party libraries, etc... This has the advantage of "easily" picking what you want, but multiplies the sources and makes it hard to compile on every system if not done properly
  • One repo = one thing: 1 for EVERY DFPC, 1 for the Simu, 1 for every type of display, etc... This is too much

After a long debate, we propose to use option 1, one big monolothic repo containing everything with the structure below:

Each subfolder of CDFF@LAAS will have a Docker folder that enables the building of a configured folder corresponding to a part of the project, e.g. display, or DFPCs with given DFPCs to build.

This should enable us to have enough modularity and at the same time, use whatever part of the project we are working on.

Actions to be taken

  • Create repository and move all the code there [Ellon]
  • Cry because it's going to mess with everything [Quentin]

We'll need to reschedule a meeting to talk about docker and ways to automatically create dockerfiles for parts of the project.


Board at the end of the meeting:

Updated by Quentin Labourey about 7 years ago · 6 revisions