Big TODO list following the CNES tests, sorted in topics, for which a responsible and a co-responsible is named.
- Hardware (Simon, Pierre)
- Minnie
Redresser les HazCamInstall minnie-superbaseInstall rear HazcamsTout revoir le câblageGet some working Ethernet cables- Surveiller l'évolution de la température des deux CPUs
boucher l'ouverture arrière du boitier pour une meilleure ventilation Câbler les synchros pour toutes les camérasTrouver un moyen démontable de surélever l'antenne Wifi- Fix the GPS issue: where should we put the antenna?
Ré-installer le Lidar Sick- Acheter des cameras avec auto-exposure ?
Réparer le câble de la MTI- Install the dual antenna GPS ? (where ? with a deployable mechanism ?)
- Documenter le câblage définitif
- Tests extensifs Joystick
- Mana
Installer la carte USB 3.0Installer la caméra HS-D- Changer le disque dur ?
- Trouver un moyen démontable de surélever l'antenne Wifi
- Tests extensifs Joystick
- Others misc things on the robots hardware
5 replacement batteries for the Segway bases(received)Test the wifi backbone and the second access point- Revoir le montage de la première base GPS
- Faire le montage de la seconde base GPS
- Déployer le seconde base GPS
Moyen de géoréférencer un point (fil à plomb - mètre, clou de géomètre)- Test the SBG sensor ?
Faire le bilan de toutes les tourelles PTUGet a few spare cables with connectors of the robots alimentation board (some with banana plugs)
- Minnie
- Logistique (Simon, who ?)
- Things to buy
New Wifi setupVacuum cleanerReally easily deployable tent (like the one Onera had)- Solid "sardines" and a strong hammer
- A more solid light camping table?
- Two higher masts for the two Wifi access points
Electric current generator- Small gasoline tank
- Backup harddrive for the on-board PCs (order placed)
- Hard drive with all the backups of Minnie, Mana, robotpkg, Ubuntu... et tout et tout (un RAID ? Un graveur de DVD ? Des clefs USB, autres moyens ?)
- A second hard drive (more than one?) to store the acquired data
Trier et ranger la boite à outils- Tester le réseau Wifi longue portée (avec 2nd access point)
- Make the definite list of all that we need to bring
- Matériel de backup: bastide, access points, PTU, Joysticks, GPS, minnie-base...
- Matériel pour le calibrage extrinsèque (barres RexRoth?)
- Things to buy
- Déploiement sur le terrain (Ellon, who ?)
- Update Bastide software
Declare minnie-cpu on bastide
- Aspects système sur les robots (Ellon, Quentin)
- Faire en sorte que les devices USB soient toujours sur le même port (avec udev something)
- Faire des miroirs d'Ubuntu
- Mount all the minnie-superbase hard drive on minnie-cpu
- Synchronise both robots time
- Scripts de startup sur les robots (Ellon, ...)
Define the way to do them- Finish them
- Project deliverables (Simon, ...)
- 20/08/2018: 24 deliverables are due by the end of the project
- 20/08/2018: 24 deliverables are due by the end of the project
- RobotPkg (Ellon, Quentin) - mais tous doivent savoir faire
Packager GPSPackager velodyne-genom3Pacakger infuse-asn1-conversions- Packager PTU
Packager EnvirePackager InFuse typesPackage infuse-pom-basePackager infuse-pom-crispPackager infuse-crisp-genom3Packager infuse-pom-tokamakPackager infuse-tokamak-rosPackager infuse dem buildingPackager infuse dem building ROS
- Possibilité (intérêt) de séparer des ros-core ?
- Utilisation de nodelets ?
- CDFF (Quentin, who ?)
Finalize the InFuse-types
***- Introduce flags in the pose type to specify which variables are estimated-introduce a string in the pose type to specify who produced the poseThere was an issue in the serialization of strings?Get rid of this @#$$#% dependency on a .exe file !
Move the types to the main CDFF -clarifies the situation after the early August merge wrt our package.-- DFNs (& DFPC ?)
Make separate git repos
- Intégration / exploitation des softs de MAG (Andrea, who)
- Récupérer un docker à jour
- Display utilities => Visualization is currently being developped by DFKI and necessitates subscription to DFNCI/DFPCCI
- Integrate the DFKI developments?
- Where would RVIZ be helpful?
- Develop a web-based monitoring system?
- Gestion des jeux de données acquises (Simon, who)
- Dump rosBags, or have the modules dump their data individually? => This needs to be discussed seriously
- Définir la manière de gérer les données sauvegardées
- Faire des utilitaires d'exportation des rosBags vers des fichiers individuels
- Le service replay de DFKI est-il OK?
- Simulation (Andrea, ...)
- Make a clear scheme of the interfaces (the ROS graph, and a more conceptual one?) Will be done by MAG
- Les modules/noeuds/DFPC
- Cameras (MAG)
- Have a node able to acquire any of the three stereo benches, including "all of them"?
- Discuss with MAG the best trigger choice (controlled, or periodic?)
Make the extrinsic calibration
- GPS (Ellon, ...)
Procédure d'initialisation de l'angle wrt. nordRécupération des trames bestutmb- Decode the standard deviations
Why can't the bestutmb messages be retrieved at 20Hz?- Maybe Switch to OEM6 models ?
- Clarify the situation wrt. gps_send / dgpssend, gps_receive... (the later being installed via the Genom2 GPS module!)
Why the z value are not consistent between Mana and Minnie ?
- RMP's (Pierre, Ellon)
- Comment remonter le fait que la puissance n'est pas en route ?
Erreurs du gyro quand le module est en track-mode ?Procédure d'estimation du biais du gyro- Procédure d'estimation des biais de la MTi pour les angles d'attitude
RMP4?0 en Odo 3D (récupération des données des MTI)- Remonter l'état de la batterie (RMP440 sur Minnie), faire une alarme ?
Régler la dynamique des Joysticks, limiter à 1.0 m/s à la main- Tester les fonctions de l'arrêt d'urgence (et notamment re-coder la reprise avec le bouton 3 ?)
- Tester le log des données (faire un log qui dumpe toutes les données brutes ?)
- Define a noise model for the gyro and the MTI ? (doing statistics, at rest and while moving)
- Lidar Velodyne (Ellon, who)
- Define blind sectors, remove associated data
- Check why the 1Hz frequency could ne be reached during tests in the parking
- Dépendance de velodyne-libs sur Envire ?
- Make a permanent acquisition task?
- Lidar Sick (Simon, ?)
- Recover the modules developed by Harold
- Export an InFuse point cloud
- Caméra HS (Edouard, Simon)
- Install acquisition drivers on Mana
- PTU (Pierre, ...)
- Package the ROS node used during CNES tests
Export an inFuse-poseCheck the maximum possible speed: it is 0.5 rad/s- What is the difference between setpoints and measured angles? Get the measured angles
- Crisp (Pierre, ...)
Conclude on the use of EnvireCheck the chain of framesFix time stampsCalibration: estimate the true values of the fixed frames (CONTACT MAG about rectified calibration data)- Make it pulse at fastest input instead of fixed frequency
Crisp eat up to 50% of a single CPU core of minnie (too much, to investigate)- DFNization to be discussed
- Pose logging ?
- Tokamak (Quentin, ...)
Define the simple "aggregate-crush" fusion scheme- Create a fusion interface (even for simple fusion)
- Update set_pose to add a childFrameId
- Update initialization to be able to connect odom frames easily
- Integrate a KF (e.g. to fuse Odometry and VO)
- DEM (Quentin, ...)
Solve the big bugReview the way the InFuse types are used?- Update/Debug tiling system
- Store information in raw form
- Allow Replay
- Integrate luminance information
- DFNCI-ize the DFNs
- DFPCCI-ize the DFNCI-ized DFNs
- quid si update a posteriori du cap? --> stocker les PtClouds et non les DEM locaux ?
- VO (Andrea, ...)
- Make it run on-board the robot
- Infuzation ?
- PG-SLAM (Ellon, ...)
- AbsLoc (Andrea, ...)
- RdV avec Andrea pour définition
- P3D (Simon, Pierre)
- PurePursuit
- Extract it from the docker?
- Cameras (MAG)
- Infusing the DFPCs (Pierre, Quentin)
- Update DEM building with DFNCI, DFPCCI, and new ros nodes : inclusion in CDFF, CDFF_ROS
- Update Tokamak with DFNCI, DFPCCI, and new ros nodes : inclusion in CDFF, CDFF_ROS
- Update CRISP building with DFNCI, DFPCCI, and new ros nodes : inclusion in CDFF, CDFF_ROS
- Documentation (all, depending on their responsibilities)
- Mana and Minnie wiring
- Robot startup and security (do not forget to look around the robot wether there are any trailing cable)
- Joystick: procédure d'appariement, de calibrage (jscal -c /dev/input/js0)
- Basic operations (security, start-up)
- Firow vs. wiki-robots vs. redmine ?
- Make a clear scheme of all the involved modules (the ROS graph, and a more conceptual one?)
Updated by Simon Lacroix over 6 years ago · 72 revisions