


CNES-SEROM » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Quentin Labourey, 2018-02-20 10:56) → Revision 8/9 (Quentin Labourey, 2018-02-20 11:25)


 h2. Administrative matters 

 * Get entrance permits for Ellon and Andrea: *Michel Delpech will check the necessary documents. It should cause no problem whatsoever* 
 * Make sure we can use our wifi infrastructure: *Yes*, Michel will check if authorizations are necessary but should be OK 
 * [Ellon adds: ] Ask if we would be given access to Internet: *Yes*, eduroam is available on site 

 h2. Visit of Feb. the 20th 

 * Things to check: 
 ** Areas where the rovers can evolve: *See pictures below* 
 ** Place to store the robots: *Robots will be stored in a small room near the field*, during our whole experimental campaign. 
 ** Place to mount the GPS base (not to re-install it every day): *Yes*, probably right near the SEROM field 
 ** [Ellon adds: ] Assess the quantity of "structure" in the terrain (more identifiable rocks, terrain relief, etc): *Lots of rocks (see pictures below)*, might be difficult to autonomously navigate the field, and we might move rocks around 
 ** [Ellon adds: ] Take pictures (if possible) to show to Ellon and Andrea: *See pictures below* 

 * Questions raised by the visit 

 ** Disponibility of the ground truth: *Yes, but not extremely precise.* We cannot make our drone fly to make our own ground truth (procedure to heavy). Anyway we might not need a precise ground truth as the quality of the DEM is not the main thing we are going to evaluate, and it is linked to the quality of localization 
 ** Tent near the field: *Yes*, we will be able to bring a tent and tables to have an outdoor HQ 
 ** Electricity access outside: *Yes* 
 ** Will there be parallel experimental campaign: *Possibly*, but we won't have to fight for field access 


 Pictures of the site: Some pictures below: 

 !pano1.jpg! !pano2.jpg! !pano3.jpg! !pano4.jpg! 

 As you can see, lots of rocks to go around. Pierre for scale:  


 And finally our future workroom: 
