


Questions » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Quentin Labourey, 2018-01-09 17:31) → Revision 3/5 (Quentin Labourey, 2018-01-09 17:44)

h1. Questions 

 h2. Concerning DFNs and associated data types  

 *Q.*: How are we going to use the ASN1 data types defined in InnFuse inside Genom3? 
 *A.*: Used the compiled C structs from the ASN.1 compiler 


 *Q.*: How are the different frames defined (world, site, robot...)? 
 *A.*: Check frame definition in D5.2 


 *Q.*: How should DFNs be organized ? E.g. do all optimization DFNs (such as graph optimization) belong ONLY to DPM? Or can they also be included in other DFPCs? 
 *A.*: Day 3512 and the fight is still going on about this. 

 h2. Concerning experimental evaluation 

 *Q.*: Do we have a real interrobot communication on the field? 
 *A.*: No. Every communication will go through a ground station. Multi robot scheme and setup still needs to be defined. 


 h2. Misc. 

 *Q.*: Which tools are we using to tracking the actions? 
 *A.*: Wiki pages, Mind maps, TBD 


 *Q.*: Should we propose a scientific workshop? 
 *A.*: If yes, subject TBD