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Simon Lacroix, 2018-02-15 07:31
Sprints coarse definition¶
Sprint TRR-1 05/03: “Unifying with Magellium & InFuse”¶
- Main goal: using ASN defined structures for the DFNs and DFPCs of the first instance of the sense(Lidar+DEM) / plan / move loop.
- DFPCs to initiate: VO Laas version
- DFPCs to work on: POM (using Envire)
- Non-LAAS DFPCs to integrate: None
- DFPCs to finalize: DEM building
- Targeted integration / demonstration (with Morse): same as previous sprint, with ASN.1 data types.
sprint TRR-2 26/03: "Empowering robots with visionӦ
- Main objective: integrate vision-based DFPCs
- DFPCs to initiate: PlanTrajectory (out of InFuse scope)
- DFPCs to work on: POM, VO
- Non-LAAS DFPCs to integrate: stereovision (MAG)
- DFPCs to finalize: None
- Targeted integration / demonstration (with Morse): same as previous sprint, with stereovision instead of Lidar.
sprint TRR-3 16/04: “Porting the DFPCs on the real robots (part 1)"¶
*the Morse simulator will still be used)
- Main objective: start the integration of the finalized DFPCs on-board the robots
Deploy Camera, Velodyne, GPS and Robots drivers
- DFPCs to initiate: None
- DFPCs to work on: POM
- Non-LAAS DFPCs to integrate: VO (MAG version)
- DFPCs to finalize: VO (Laas version), PlanTrajectory (out of InFuse scope)
- Targeted integration / demonstration: first tests in LAAS premises with Mana (Lidar)
sprint TRR-4 07/05: “Porting the DFPCs on the real robots (part 2)"¶
the Morse simulator will still be used
- Main objective: finish the integration of the finalized DFPCs on-board the robots
- DFPCs to work on: POM
- Non-LAAS DFPCs to integrate: Point-Cloud Model-based localisation (UStrath)
- DFPCs to finalize: None
- Targeted integration / demonstration: first tests in LAAS premises with Minnie (vision)
sprint TRR-5 28/05: "Finalize integration on the robots to prepare CNES tests"¶
- Main objective: having all the necessary functionalities ready to achieve tests at CNES
- DFPCs to initiate: PoseGraph Lidar SLAM
- DFPCs to work on: None
- Non-LAAS DFPCs to integrate: Visual SLAM (MAG -- No loop closing, no POM integration)
- DFPCs to finalize: POM (VO & Odometry integration)
- Targeted integration / demonstration: more testings with Mana and Minnie in LAAS premises (parking lot)
sprint TRR-6 18/06: "First test session at CNES"¶
- Main objective: perform tests of the following DFPCs: DEM building, VO (Laas version, MAG version), POM (VO & Odometry integration), Point-Cloud Model-Based Localisation, PlanTrajectory
- DFPCs to initiate: None
- DFPCs to work on:
- Non-LAAS DFPCs to integrate: Visual SLAM (MAG -- No loop closing, no POM integration)
- DFPCs to finalize: POM (VO & Odometry integration)
After CNES tests: (program to be refined)¶
- DFPCs to develop and integrate:
- Pose-Graph Lidar SLAM / Lidar Map-Based Localisation
- Absolute Localization
- Multi-Robot requests
- Full fledged POM
- TRR-7-09/07
- TRR-8-30/07
- TRR-9-20/08
Updated by Simon Lacroix about 7 years ago · 2 revisions