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Quentin Labourey, 2018-01-09 16:37



Q.: Which tools are we using to tracking the actions?
A.: Wiki pages, Mind maps, TBD

Concerning DFNs and associated data types

Q.: How are we going to use the ASN1 data types defined in InnFuse inside Genom3?

A. : Used the compiled C structs from the ASN.1 compiler

List of DFNs and associated data types

Détection de faute de localisation dans PoM? -> data interpretation ? outlier covariance ?
Détection de faute de localisation dans DEM -> outlier heights should be detected ? Quadratic error measure between local DEM and internal/global DEM.
Define the frames (what about OG1) -> check frame definition of D5.2
POM vs SLAM -> what goes where ? full perception, optimization (all in POM or part in SLAM)

Make budget for the M3 operation (PM3_24)
- Cf interrobot communications ? > not existing directly, everything goes through ground station (multi robot scheme and setup still need to be defined)
balance of partners involvment in the DFPC, state where LAAS will effectively contribute > still TBD
DataTypes definition and taxonomy > still more work to do on this (DEM)
DPM: raw data, intermediary products, data products- cf ORB Slam
- Prepare a development plan and a validation plan for LAAS robots > in boxes
sujets de stage ? > TBD (different DFIs of the same DFNs, e.g. test different visual extractors)
Choisir la liste des capteurs, se faire 2 super robots (caméra panoramique ?) >
Proposer un workshop scientifique ? (à l'ESA?)

Updated by Quentin Labourey about 7 years ago · 20 revisions