



Description of the MesoNH file format » History » Revision 2

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Rafael Bailon-Ruiz, 2020-12-08 14:39

Description of the MesoNH file format

MesoNH simulation output is saved into NetCDF (.nc) files with the specific dimensions and variables below. For information, the spatial resolution is 25m per cell for the W_E_direction , W_E_direction, and vertical_levels. Temporal resolution is 5 seconds.

The dataset description below has been obtained with the ncinfo command included in netcdf4-python

title: Meso-NH simulation
    grid_resolution_in_meters:    25.000000      x    25.000000     
    description: Data are from the file REFHR.1.ARMCu.001.dia       
    comments:  Meso-NH  experience starts at 1997    6   21   41400.0000   and 
               segment starts at 1997    6   21   63000.0000 
    int32 time(time), 
    float32 W_E_direction(W_E_direction), 
    float32 S_N_direction(S_N_direction), 
    float32 LON0(), 
    float32 LAT0(), 
    float32 LONOR(), 
    float32 LATOR(),
    float32 BETA(), 
    float32 RPK(), 
    float32 THT(time, vertical_levels, S_N_direction, W_E_direction), 
    float32 VLEV(vertical_levels, S_N_direction, W_E_direction), 
    float32 LAT(S_N_direction, W_E_direction), 
    float32 LON(S_N_direction, W_E_direction), 
    float32 TKET(time, vertical_levels, S_N_direction, W_E_direction), 
    float32 UT(time, vertical_levels, S_N_direction, W_E_direction), 
    float32 VT(time, vertical_levels, S_N_direction, W_E_direction), 
    float32 WT(time, vertical_levels, S_N_direction, W_E_direction), 
    float32 PABST(time, vertical_levels, S_N_direction, W_E_direction), 
    float32 RVT(time, vertical_levels, S_N_direction, W_E_direction), 
    float32 RCT(time, vertical_levels, S_N_direction, W_E_direction), 
    float32 RRT(time, vertical_levels, S_N_direction, W_E_direction), 
    float32 SVT001(time, vertical_levels, S_N_direction, W_E_direction),
    float32 SVT002(time, vertical_levels, S_N_direction, W_E_direction),
    float32 SVT003(time, vertical_levels, S_N_direction, W_E_d

Viewing the contents of a NetCDF (.nc) file

the nco package provides the ncview program to display netCDF files.

Sample cloud file (Contains 2 seconds and 2 vertical levels only)

Updated by Rafael Bailon-Ruiz over 4 years ago · 4 revisions