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Rafael Bailon-Ruiz, 2020-10-20 13:37
Tentative of info/warning/important box :
Info: Do this and that to make it better and faster !
Warning: Do this and that to make it better and faster !
Important: Do this and that to make it better and faster !
Redmine macros¶
Sample macro.
Displays a list of all available macros, including description if available.
Displays a list of child pages. With no argument, it displays the child pages of the current wiki page. Examples: {{child_pages}} -- can be used from a wiki page only {{child_pages(depth=2)}} -- display 2 levels nesting only {{child_pages(Foo)}} -- lists all children of page Foo {{child_pages(Foo, parent=1)}} -- same as above with a link to page Foo
Includes a wiki page. Examples: {{include(Foo)}} {{include(projectname:Foo)}} -- to include a page of a specific project wiki
Inserts of collapsed block of text. Examples: {{collapse This is a block of text that is collapsed by default. It can be expanded by clicking a link. }} {{collapse(View details...) With custom link text. }}
Displays a clickable thumbnail of an attached image. Default size is 200 pixels. Examples: {{thumbnail(image.png)}} {{thumbnail(image.png, size=300, title=Thumbnail)}} -- with custom title and size
Displays an issue link including additional information. Examples: {{issue(123)}} -- Issue #123: Enhance macro capabilities {{issue(123, project=true)}} -- Andromeda - Issue #123: Enhance macro capabilities {{issue(123, tracker=false)}} -- #123: Enhance macro capabilities {{issue(123, subject=false, project=true)}} -- Andromeda - Issue #123
Updated by Rafael Bailon-Ruiz over 4 years ago · 4 revisions