How to run the Fiacre/Hippo experiment with a monitor
Providing you have properly synthesized and compiled the fiacre/hippo executable, you can now run it in place of the regular genom3 modules.
cd ~/work/osmosis/scripts ./
You will get the Gazebo and Rviz window again and the main window will look like:
The top pane is the Hippo pane where the 7 modules are now running in the same Hippo process. The bottom pane is the
pane similar to the one in the regular experiment.
Thus, you can run the experiment exactly like the regular GenoM one (see run).
Select the eltclsh pane, and type:
eltclsh > source start-simu.tcl eltclsh > init
You can get the robot to navigate with commands like:
eltclsh > Navigation::GotoNode N2 &
The difference here is that if you inject a fault (which results in a delay longer than 200 ms in the LaserScan Scan port update), the robot will make an emergency stop.
eltclsh > LaserDriver::SetDelay 300000
Indeed, in the traces you will see:
43.290238 42500 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik --PATCH-- scan_updated in LaserDriver Activity ReadROSTopicsWriteGenoMPorts codel LWGCBQ 43.290351 42500 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik --PATCH-- monitor_wait entered 43.290354 42500 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik --PATCH-- monitor_wait scan_updated 43.291283 [robotnik:callback_scan] Starting 200000 delay. 43.491258 42700 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik --PATCH-- monitor_wait entered 43.491269 42700 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik --PATCH-- monitor_wait 200 ms elapsed 43.491354 [robotnik:callback_scan] Ending 200000 delay. 43.491379 42700 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik --PATCH-- monitor_error entered 43.491383 42700 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik --PATCH-- monitor_error stopping Track 43.491384 42700 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik --PATCH-- monitor_error to monitor_start 43.492167 42701 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik --PATCH-- scan_updated in LaserDriver Activity ReadROSTopicsWriteGenoMPorts codel LWGCBQ 43.492311 42701 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik --PATCH-- monitor_start entered 43.492315 42701 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik --PATCH-- monitor_start scan_updated 43.493669 [robotnik:StopSMAAO] SafetyPilot: Stopping the robot with an explicit Stop: l 0 m/s, a 0 deg/s. 43.494283 42703 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik SafetyPilot Activity SpeedMergeAndStopIfObstacle DONE (ether), back to ET. 43.494340 42703 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik SafetyPilot ET pilot activity returned ACT_ETHER. 43.494545 42703 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik SafetyPilot CT processes pilot activities, activity report. 43.498335 42707 [*** FiacreModel ***] robotnik PotentialField ET plan ***OVERSHOOT*** its period.
![]() |
the first numnber: 43.290238, is the wall clock since the beginning of the execution, while the second number (on
* FiacreModel * traces) 42500 is the logical clock in milliseconds of Hippo. These two clocks are not synced upon
starting, hence the slight difference, but should evolve at the same rate).
This trace corresponds to this monitor being triggered, whose arguments are 3 shared variables.
is automatically updated by the activity which grab the LaserScan:ReadROSTopicsWriteGenoMPorts
in the codelLWGCBQ
of the moduleLaserWriter
. -
, an array which corresponds to the activity of thepilot
task ofSafetyPilot
module -
: is the index in this array of the serviceSpeedMergeAndStopIfObstacle
which produces and export the speed executed by the platform. By forcing this activity toStop
, we force the transition in the automata to thestop
codel of this activity:StopSMAAO
which immediately produces a null speed.
An interesting side effect which is properly reported by hippo, is that the PotentialField
task also overshoot its period due to this delay. This is indeed the case, as the error is being produced by delaying
the port update. Other tasks in need of this port must also wait longer than expected and this my lead to
task overshooting their regular period (50ms for PotentialField
process Laser_Scans_robotnik_Track_Stopper( &scan_updated: bool, &pilot_task_activities: Activities_SafetyPilot_pilot_Array, Track_index: act_inst_SafetyPilot_pilot_index_type) is states monitor_start, monitor_wait, monitor_error var ignorep:nat from monitor_start ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(6); // {0, "monitor_start entered"} /* 6 */ on (scan_updated); ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(7); // {0, "monitor_start scan_updated"}, /* 7 */ scan_updated := false; to monitor_wait from monitor_wait ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(8); // {0, "monitor_wait entered"} /* 8 */ select wait [200,200]; ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(0); // {0, "monitor_wait 200 ms elapsed"}, /* 0 */ to monitor_error [] on (scan_updated); ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(1); // {0, "monitor_wait scan_updated."}, /* 1 */ scan_updated := false; to monitor_wait end from monitor_error ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(4); // {0, "monitor_error entered"},/* 4 */ if (pilot_task_activities[Track_index].status = ACT_RUN_FCR) then ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(2); // {0, "monitor_error stopping Track"}, /* 2 */ pilot_task_activities[Track_index].stop := true else ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(9) // {0, "monitor_error nothing to stop"}, /* 9 */ end; ignorep := fiacre_c_print_patch_trace(5); // {0, "monitor_error to monitor_start"},/* 5 */ to monitor_start