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Revision 2 (Félix Ingrand, 2017-04-28 16:04) → Revision 3/27 (Félix Ingrand, 2017-07-12 13:37)

h1. LAAS Code (GenoM3) for the OSMOSIS show case. 

 This project contains all the GenoM3 components needed for the OSMOSIS show case. 

 h2. Robot setup 

 Below is a drawing from the Wiki (the components with bold name are available as sub-projects). 

 The status of the various component: 
 * IMUDriver-genom3: complete and compiles, not tested. 
 * LaserDriver-genom3: tested with an Hokuyo UTM-30LX 
 * PotentialField-genom3: complete and compiles, not tested. 
 * SafetyPilot-genom3: complete and compiles, not tested. 
 * Teleop-genom3: complete and compiles, not tested. 

 * RobotDriver-genom3: component and ports defined but no code. 
 * GPSDriver-genom3: component and ports defined but no code. 
 * Localization-genom3: component and ports defined but no code. 
 * Navigation-genom3: component and ports defined but no code. 


 h2. Simulation setup 

 There is also a simulation setup which can be used. It has less functional modules (as some of them are handled by the Gazebo simulator). 
