Upgrade procedure¶
Pull updates from the local repository (laas
# su - redmine % cd src/laas (or src/openrobots) % git pull
Install new gems, if any.
% bundle install
This may fail, because of conflicting packages.
bundle update
should fix that.
Then, migrate database (might be a no-op).
% rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production % rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
It may be desirable to recompile apache passenger module, if bundle install
upgraded it. This is however optional: the old version will still work without any action, if the old gem is not cleaned (see below).
% passenger-install-apache2-module % vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/10-passenger.conf for the new passenger module path % /etc/init.d/httpd reload
It may also be desirable to clean old gems
% bundle clean
Restart passenger.
% touch tmp/restart.txt
Updated by Anthony Mallet about 6 years ago · 6 revisions