Power Block Theory » History » Version 1
Luiz Fernando Lavado Villa, 2019-02-28 14:55
1 | 1 | Luiz Fernando Lavado Villa | h1. Power Block Theory |
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3 | The Power Block is the part that manages input/output power within the board. |
4 | It consists of a single inverter leg, as illustrated in the figure below. |
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7 | p=. {{thumbnail(single_phase_topology.png, size=350, title=The power topology of the single-phase board)}} |
8 | _Figure 2 - The power topology of the single-phase board_ |
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10 | Figure 2 shows a Vlow, VHigh, T1, T2, D1, D2 and L. |
11 | Vlow is the low-side voltage, VHigh is the high-side voltage, T1 and T2 are two transistors, D1 and D2 are two diodes and L is an inductor. |
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14 | This topology is current bi-directional. |
15 | This means that its input can be either on the high-side or on the low-side. |
16 | If the input is on the high-side, the circuit acts as a buck or step-down converter. |
17 | If the input is on the low-side, the circuit acts as a boost or step-up converter. |
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20 | This topology allows the control of the current in the inductor L by controlling its charge and discharge using the switches. |
21 | The figure below shows the switching and the current flow within the inductor. |
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23 | p=. {{thumbnail(states_converter_1.png, size=700, title=Current flow during switching)}} |
24 | _Figure 3 - The power topology of the single-phase board_ |
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26 | The switching leads to an average current flow between its input and output as shown in the image below. |
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28 | p=. {{thumbnail(switching_states_1.png, size=700, title=Current flow during switching)}} |
29 | _Figure 4 - Left: average current in the inductor increases_ |
30 | _Center: average current in the inductor stable_ |
31 | _Right: average current in the inductor decreases_ |
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33 | As figure 4 shows, the key to control the current in the power converter is to control the duration of the signal that is sent to the transistors. |
34 | This duration is called *duty cycle* . |
35 | A longer duty cycle will lead to a increase in current, while a shorter duty cycle will lead to a decrease in current. |
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37 | The duty cycle is the single most important control variable in a power converter. |
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39 | The presentation above is, obviously, not complete since there are further phenomena to be taken into account. |
40 | The instantaneous rise and fall in current will lead to abrupt variations in voltage at both the high and low sides. |
41 | To filter these variations, power converters are equipped with capacitors in both sides, which effectively provide the instantaneous current needed by the converter. |
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43 | The relationship between high and low side voltages, high and low side currents, and the duty cycle is given by the equations below. |
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46 | p=. !http://www.codecogs.com/eq.latex?\dfrac{V_{High}}{V_{Low}}=\dfrac{I_{Low}}{I_{High}}=\dfrac{1}{1-D}! |
47 | _Equation 1 - Relation between High and Low variables, and the duty cycle for a Boost Mode operation_ |
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49 | p=. !http://www.codecogs.com/eq.latex?\dfrac{V_{High}}{V_{Low}}=\dfrac{I_{Low}}{I_{High}}=\dfrac{1}{D}! [1] |
50 | _Equation 2 - Relation between High and Low variables, and the duty cycle for a Buck Mode operation_ |
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52 | These equations explain the need for all the other blocks of the system. |
53 | To estimate the correct duty cycle, it is necessary to measure either voltage or current, leading to a measurement block. |
54 | Once these measurements are made, they must be converted in digital values, treated through a mathematical control loop and calculate the duty cycle value, leading to a control block. |
55 | Once the duty cycle has been correctly calculated, it must be converted in analog voltage pulses which are in turn used to drive the transistors, leading to a driver block. |
56 | Since all of these operations require some energy, the Feeder block is thus needed to power all of the other blocks. |
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58 | Each block has its own specific challenges and technical difficulties, which are explained in their respective wiki page. |