

Mohammed Foughali

  • Login: mfoughal
  • Registered on: 2015-04-28
  • Last sign in: 2020-12-07


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 0 1 1


Project Roles Registered on
GenoM3 Validation and Verification Reporter 2015-04-28
Case studies UPPAAL Reporter 2018-01-19
GenoM3-UPPAAL Project administrator 2017-03-07
Mikrokopter script Reporter 2017-02-07
RobNav Reporter 2015-10-01
case study Osmosis Project administrator, Developer 2018-02-09
GenoM3-UPPAAL Project administrator, Developer 2018-02-23
SMC paper Project administrator 2019-02-11
thesis Herman Bruyninckx comments Project administrator 2018-11-20
UPPAAL_schedulers Project administrator 2019-05-17
UPPAAL-SMC experiment Project administrator 2019-02-10
dsaam Developer, Reporter 2018-09-10



18:43 GenoM3 Validation and Verification Revision cc873168 [abstracted] (genom3-fiacre-template): parallel primitive removed for first element in the composition (multicomp)
Mohammed Foughali


18:18 GenoM3 Validation and Verification Revision be145a61 (genom3-fiacre-template): several abstractions to enable comparison with the UPPAAL model
Mohammed Foughali


16:46 GenoM3 Validation and Verification Revision 4d49ba4d [2.99.26] (genom3-fiacre-template): remove multiplications (strange values are generated anyway. the best solution is to express the constraints within .gen files using "s" instead of "ms")
Mohammed Foughali
16:41 GenoM3 Validation and Verification Revision 43f25493 (genom3-fiacre-template): dormant mistake (since 11/2015). fortunately no influence on the ICFEM results.
Mohammed Foughali


11:39 GenoM3 Validation and Verification Revision c2228aef (genom3-fiacre-template): typos
Mohammed Foughali


18:32 GenoM3 Validation and Verification Revision 270c1f4b (genom3-fiacre-template): few corrections + wcet multiplied by 1000 to avoid an output in the exponent form
Mohammed Foughali
17:34 GenoM3 Validation and Verification Revision 3c819fb0 (genom3-fiacre-template): several improvements.
Mohammed Foughali


10:52 GenoM3 Validation and Verification Revision e4a5d3de (genom3-fiacre-template): push
Mohammed Foughali


16:07 GenoM3 Validation and Verification Revision 9b5f63f8 (genom3-fiacre-template): misplaced comma (serviceless modules)
Mohammed Foughali


12:39 GenoM3 Validation and Verification Revision b60cde3d (genom3-fiacre-template): missing semicolon
Mohammed Foughali

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