Wiki » History » Revision 37
Revision 36 (Frédéric Blanc, 2024-11-08 13:59) → Revision 37/40 (Frédéric Blanc, 2024-11-08 14:07)
h1. Wiki
h2. USB <-> I2C
Passerelle USB-I2C SiLabs CP2112
h3. Commande Linux
<pre><code class="shell">
sudo apt install i2c-tools
<pre><code class="shell">
i2cdetect -l
<pre><code class="shell">
sudo i2cdetect -r -y N
N numero I2C ici 5
détection de puces I2C, TCA9535 0x20, ADS1115 0x48, PCF8563 0x51
<pre><code class="shell">
sudo i2cget 5 0x20 0x04
lecture dans le TCA9535 0x20, dans le registre 0x4
<pre><code class="shell">
sudo i2cset 5 0x20 0x02 0x01
écriture dans le TCA9535 0x20, dans le registre 0x2, les bits 0b00000001
h2. Composants
h3. PCF8563 Real-time clock/calendar
VDD = 1.8 V to 5.5 V
400-kHz Fast I2C bus
*@I2C 0x51*
h3. TCA9535 I/O Expander 16-Bit
Low-Voltage 16-Bit I2C and SMBus Low-Power I/O Expander with Interrupt Output and Configuration Registers,
VDD 1.65 V to 5 V
400-kHz Fast I2C bus.
h3. ADS1115 Quad ADCs
16-bit, 860-SPS, 4-channel, delta-sigma ADC with PGA, oscillator, VREF, comparator and I2C
VDD 2.0 V to 5.5 V
h3. LTC2635 Quad DACs
Quad 12-/10-/8-Bit I2C VOUT
DACs with 10ppm/°C Reference
VDD 2.7V to 5.5V
h3. IP5306 Battery Management System
Fully-Integrated Power Bank System-On-Chip with 2.1A charger, 2.4A discharger
*@I2C 0x75*
h3. 24LC512 EEPROM 512Kbit
VDD 2.5-5.5V
400-kHz Fast I2C bus