


Franka documentation and operating the Pandas » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Kévin Desormeaux, 2021-06-09 11:12) → Revision 3/10 (Kévin Desormeaux, 2021-06-09 11:13)

h1. Franka documentation and operating the Pandas 

 h2. Franka Documentation 

 * The Panda User Handbook attachment:pandaUserHandbook.pdf (safety rules, setting/starting up, basic use through the web interface) 
 * The Franka Control Interface & ROS packages: 
 * The dedicated LAAS robots "wiki page": (basic 

 h2. Misc things 

 * The PC must have a Linux kernel with the PREEMT_RT option 
 * To have access to this option, you must belong to the unix group "realtime" 

 h2. Using your own laptop 

 First you will need a real-time kernel to be able to communicate with the pandas (PREEMPT_RT).  

 The procedure is described here: 
 More informations in french can be found here: 
 The second link might actually be better.  

 Note: avoid the use of the fakeroot command if you have errors.  

 You will also need to configure the network (ethernet).  

 - In the ipv4 tab, choose manual configuration.  
 - Adress = 
 - Mask = 

 That's all.  

 You can ping the robot's IP to see if you are able to communicate with it. 
 - Panda1 = 
 - Panda1 = 

 h2. Start the pandas: 

 1. before turning on check on the black button and red button. 
 - red button must be unpressed. 
 - black button must be pressed. 
 - turn on the robot cpu. It's on the back. Panda 1 is the lower one. 
 - yellow light will blink until its on. 
 - when it's on, light remains constant. 

 2. Access the robot server interface: 
 - accept the risks 
 - robot information on IP and credentials are in: 
 - when accessing the server, joints are locked. unlock them. take care it can move a bit. 
 - it changes the color of the light to white - unlocked but not accept command motion. 

 3. To move the robot, release the black safety button. The light will turn blue - accepting command motion. 

 4. Clone mp2_ros (this is melodic) repository to a catkin src folder. 
 - make it 
 - source it 

 5. Run demo 

 - this will start the admittance controller and trajectory action server at the current position 

 roslaunch admittance_joint_trajectory_controller action.launch robot_ip:= load_gripper:=false 

 - force 0. 
 - you can play with stiffness to check on different behavior. be careful, it can get unstable. 
 -- some time force, vel, pos, reach a threshold and the robot stop for safety reasons. you can lock and unlock the joints again in the Desk interface 

 -you can now play a trajectory 

 rosbag play -d 1 straight_line.bag 

 -this file is in the documents tab of this repository  

 6 - turning off 
 - push black button 
 - move to a safe position manually (pushing the two buttons in the end-effector and guiding) 
 - lock the joint in Desk interface 
 - shutdown in the interface- wait until it says you can turn off the cpu 
 - press red button 

 h2. Using your own laptop 

 First you will need a real-time kernel to be able to communicate with the pandas (PREEMPT_RT).  

 The procedure is described here: 
 More informations in french can be found here: 
 The second link might actually be better.  

 Note: avoid the use of the fakeroot command if you have errors.  

 You will also need to configure the network (ethernet).  

 - In the ipv4 tab, choose manual configuration.  
 - Adress = 
 - Mask = 

 That's all.  

 You can ping the robot's IP to see if you are able to communicate with it. 
 - Panda1 = 
 - Panda1 = 

 h2. Troubleshooting 

 If you have this error:  

 linux libfranka: UDP receive: Timeout 

 This means a firewall is blocking some UDP packets (see 
 You can disable the firewall (should be definitive) by using this command: 

 sudo ufw disable 

 Check if it is disabled: 

 sudo ufw status 