Wiki » History » Revision 13
Revision 12 (Luiz Fernando Lavado Villa, 2019-03-25 11:50) → Revision 13/14 (Luiz Fernando Lavado Villa, 2019-03-25 11:50)
h1. Wiki {{>toc}} The single-phase project is an open-source power electronics technological suit consisting of a hardware, a firmware and a software parts. These parts are used together, and their specifications are interdependent. -> put an image of the hardware/firmware/software abstraction here For the sake of simplicity, each part will be presented independently in this wiki. h2. Hardware The hardware of the single-phase project consist of a 10cm by 10cm board which hosts five different blocks of electronics components. Details on each block, their sizing and interconnections is given in the link below. * [[Hardware|Hardware page]] h2. Firmware The firmware of the single-phase project consists of a scheduler program coded in C and compatible with a ATMEL Mega328P micro-controller. The program can be uploaded onto its micro-controller through a dedicated makefile, which is also provided. Details of the program are given in the link below. * [[Firmware|Firmware page]] h2. Software The Software of the single-phase project consists of a human-machine interface coded in Python and compatible with Linux. It can communicate with the Firmware through a communication protocol via an USB connection. Details of the Software are given in the link below. * [[Software|Software page]]