


2018 general planning » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Quentin Labourey, 2018-01-09 18:04) → Revision 2/3 (Quentin Labourey, 2018-01-09 18:12)

h1. 2018 general planning 

 The planning of 2018 can be divided in 2 separate parts: 
 * Development and integration of DFPCs/DFN 
 * Experimental evaluation 

 h2. Development and integration of DFPCs/DFN 

 This part contains the production of all the desired functions inside inFuse: SLAM, localization, DEM building, Visual odometry, etc... It is separated into three phases: 
 * C/C++ coding of the different libraries (middleware agnostic) 
 * Integration: it will be provided at two different levels: level 
 ** InFuse Infuse architecture level which is the final product of the project 
 ** Genom3 integration to be tested and evaluated on LAAS rover rovers 
 ** Support functions: logging, replay and displaying of the different data produced 
 ** Non-InFuse "add-ons": in order to test and evaluate the algorithms, LAAS intends to add loop-closure in the robotics loop, i.e. to provide an autonomous navigation module 

 h2. Experimental evaluation 

 The experimental evaluation is split into three big tracks: DLR-BB2, DFKI-Sherpa, and M3 (Mission Mana and Minnie in Morocco). 

 h3. DLR-BB2 

 This evaluation will be performed *We aim at DLR on making the BB2 robot in a testing field where an almost perfect ground truth already exists. It is destined to test the quality of different DFNs (some of which will be provided by the LAAS). It does not use the InFuse architecture. 

 h3. DFKI-Sherpa 

 This evaluation will happen in Morocco and is destined to test the InFuse architecture. The scenarios of this track are yet to be defined. 

 h3. M3 

 This mission will be led by LAAS and covers more than just the Morocco travel. It aims at: 
 * Building a database from all the sensors with which the rovers will be equipped. 
 two integration as interchangeable as possible.